Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Study your web quest and diagrams
Periodic Table Test is scheduled for Thursday April 11th
Adopt an Element Projects are due Friday April 12th

Today in class: 
1.  Ski Round Top Field Trip Information
2.  Finish Element Project
3.  Element Diagrams 1-36
4.  Periodic Table Webquest:  We will go over it tomorrow as a review
5.  Diagram Extra Credit:  1 extra credit point will be given for every 10 elements that are diagrammed from 40-110.

Interactive periodic tables:

Absent Students:  Look at the list above and do what you can.

WIN:  Any student that needs to complete the element project may come in during this time as long as they have permission from their WIN teacher and seating is available in the room.  Don't wait until Thursday and expect seating to be available (first come first serve).